resonanzen drei »playground«

resonanzen drei »playground«

Wed, 22.01.2025, 8:00 PM
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal


»Man is only completely a man when he plays.« Friedrich Schiller already understood it, and Ensemble Resonanz and Patricia Kopatchinskaja provide the proof: they light-footedly dismantle their world, reassemble it and take their audience on a boundless adventure of discovery. 


»Why should we only play music that we know and understand? It’s better to look ahead and discover new things. It’s exciting when you don’t understand something,« says violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja. She shares her penchant for experimentation and adventure with Ensemble Resonanz. Together, they transform the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall into a playground of creativity: from Leoš Janáček to Pauline Oliveros, they arrange a diverse musical collage, unhinge Bach, pile up the building blocks of life with the youthful Felix Mendelssohn and awaken the homo ludens in the audience. A new work by the playful Dai Fujikura lets the soloists soar like birds in spirals over the musical playing field, while the orchestra also picks up momentum. A concert becomes a thrilling carousel ride!

Dai Fujikura (*1977)Double Concerto
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)Concerto for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord in A minor
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847)concerto for violin and strings d-Minor MWV O 3
Patricia KopatchinskajaViolin and playing lead
Claire ChaseFlute
Petteri PitkoCembalo
Ensemble Resonanz