Minasi - Mozart - Resonanz

Since 5 years, Riccardo Minasi and the Ensemble Resonanz get to grips with Mozart's symphonies. Something has grown. A new performance practice – historically informed and contemporary.

Riccardo Minasi, Conductor
Ensemble Resonanz

»Our goal with Mozart's symphonies is to bring together the drama of opera with the flexibility of a string quartet and to make the rhetorical and theatrical elements shine.«

Riccardo Minasi about working with the Ensemble Resonanz

Minasi - Mozart - Resonanz

Making-of Mozart: Symphonies 39-41

Symphonies in repertoire

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 35, D-Major KV 385 'Haffner'

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 36, C-Major KV 425 'Linz'

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 38, D-Major KV 504 'Prague'

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 39, E flat-Major KV 543

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 40, g-Minor KV 550

WA Mozart – Symphony No. 41, C-Major KV 551 'Jupiter'

»There may not be a better recording.« (Münchner Merkur)

»This is not music that is meant to serve elevated entertainment purposes, this is about more, about the depiction of life in all its facets - even the darkest ones.« (WDR)

»An album for the island...a CD recording that may well be described as a sensation.« (Salzburger Nachrichten)

»Riccardo Minasi and the Ensemble Resonanz perform at a level of energy that sets new standards.« (Deutschlandfunk)

»Life is raging here in all its facets. Rich and colorful, fragile and enigmatic, sad and oppressive, joyful and euphoric.« (Fono Forum)

»A refererence recording!« (Drehpunkt Kultur, Salzburg)

»We should be aware that the perception of sound aesthetics is influenced by the environment in which we live. My goal is not to reproduce the sonic results of musicians who lived 250 years ago. To gain understanding of a musical text, I prefer to enlarge my research from the context of its creation to the history of performance practice throughout the centuries - until today.«

Riccardo Minasi on Historically Informed Performance Practice